Crappy Poop
Today I'm 17 which implies that it's my birthday...which it is hahaha. But honestly, I was one of the worst birthdays I can remember. I would rather it be on a weekend and I stayed home to do nothing rather than have my brother and my dad forget my birthday. Along with the fact that I went to school and only had one period because none of the teachers decided to email us and let us know. I left school at 3:20 when I could've left at 10:20. As well, the fact that pretty much everyone else didn't remember and that fact that no one seemed to care and I was pretty much alone all day.However, as always there's a silver lining. Helena was the best today, Michelle went with me to get food, Rhonda spent all day with me, Joanna Choo would surprised me with food and Wendy + Sez properly remember and got me a combined present. <3 Here's to my 17th being better because I doubt it could be worse... Just thinking about it makes it sick and I just want it to be over
Also, happy birthday to julia my primary twinnie who I haven't seen in roughly 3 years. xxx
Monday, 13 May 2013 @ 02:52 / 0 comments
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