Editing Videos

Ahh iMovie is so hard to use why! And I used to be able to use Adobe Premier CS5 or whatever the video one was. Why am I so forgetful :(

Also, we're getting new fences put in on both sides of my house so I can see into their backyards hehe. But I made new friends! Actually, funny story about the neighbour on my house's left because I was actually at a UMAT conference thing where I was walking out and she comes up to me and asks, "Are you Eva?" So naturally, I say yes because well that's my name. So anyway, I ask her how she knows me and she tells me I look at lot like my dad and yeah... That's how I met that neighbour

Oh neighbour is this grumpy old lady and well, I'm not her friend but I was shooting hoops with my brother and she was watching so we invited her over to play with us! She's 5, so she's not very good. But anyway, it was at around 6 so it was all dark and then I go back inside because dis gurl wuz veri clingy lul and I see that I have 6 mozzie bites D: 4 on one hand, 1 on my other pinky and 1 on my lower back not yet at my butt though... pervert mozzie -.-

Also, yay for korean bbq yummmmmmmmmmm even though nothing is cooking ^

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 @ 02:38 / 0 comments

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