Post Exam Weekend

So to celebrate post-weekend before the workload piles up again, my people and I went out to watch Pitch Perfect. Now normally, I hate musicals but this one was surprisingly good so go watch people! I don't know who you are that reads this, but I really really recommended it :)

Also, since post exams and maybe during exam week I have been watching a fair bit of documentaries and in particular, one called Human Planet by the BBC which talks about how humans have adapted to live in every extreme area of the earth: oceans, deserts, arctic, mountains, grasslands, rivers, cities. So basically I'm up to mountain and theres this part where I just couldn't believe it.

So for Tibetan Buddhists who live way up high in the mountains where no tree can grow, whenever anyone dies, obviously they cannot do the traditional cremation because there's no way to start a hot enough furnace. So what do they do? They do something called Sky Burial. And although it sounds really spiritual and stuff, it's rather grotesque in the eyes of Westerners. But I will stress that you need to realise that if the body isn't disposed of it will begin to rot and carry diseases and even more people will die!

Anyway they carry the body out to the mountain sides and then a non-buddhist will hack the body to may it more appealing for the body to be disposed of by feeding it to vultures. Noting that Buddhists believe that the body is now an empty vessel in which the soul has gone to a better place and can be put to use by providing for another living creature.

So if you think this is fascinating, theres videos on youtube but they are quite graphic so only watch if you can handle that. And now, I'll go back to watching my super awesome and informative documentaries which I recommend even more haha!

side note: 17 days till holidays ~(^.^)~
Sunday, 2 December 2012 @ 04:26 / 0 comments

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