Merry bloody Christmas

Hello, and how was your Christmas? How did you spend that crossover from Christmas to Boxing Day? I was sitting in a hospital because my brother had cut his hand on a piece of glass. Talk about partying hard ':D

How did that happen, you ask?

My brother and Sam were sitting on the top bunk of a bed and I was on the bottom and we were watching Drag Me to Hell (weird movie). But then he dropped his pillow on the floor so he told Sam to hold his legs and he bent down to pick it up. So he picked it up, but stupidly decided it would be fun it throw the pillow up as he was still hanging off the bed. In the process of flinging the pillow up, he shattered a light bulb and broke the glass lamp shade. Then, Sam thought it'd be funny to let go for a second and then my brother, as a reflex put his hand on the bottom bunk bed where a piece of glass happened to be :/

Needless to say, he cut his hand and was bleeding profusely all the place; the carpet, the laptop charger, the mattress. No joke, there is still blood everywhere. So we went to the hospital, waited for like 2 hours (and I hate hospitals).

Initially, the doctor was like hmm i don't know, you may need like one little stitch but if you do get stitches you will need to get a tetanus shot as well. But my scared little brother looked so mortified at adding one more stitch to his collection of thirty-something past stitches, the doctor changed her mind actually, we might be able to just glue it back together!
Tuesday, 25 December 2012 @ 22:54 / 0 comments

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