horrible day
So firstly, I woke up late meaning I would be late to school =.= But when I got on the bus at Central with it being completely filled with Sydney Boys this wrinkly old twat got on and I noticed she was able to dip her pass so I nicely ask her, if she wanted me to help dip her ticket, expecting a sweet old lady, the second she opened her mouth BAM she's a maggot. She yells at me NO! MOVE DOWN THE BUS when I'm thinking lol how, this bus is actually packed. It's not physically possible. So anyway everyone just shuffles down for her to shut up! But no, I thought that was it. I was wrong. As some guy decided to get off I moves aside but I forgot about my bag, which was on the side of the aisle she picks up my bag and literally shoves it in my face. Offended and running on 4-5 hours of sleep, thinking I cannot deal with this, I stare at her. I death stare her until she shuts up. And it works........ for a little while. Until one of the boys puts her bag on the bag place (which actually was a good idea!) she condescendingly say well as least one of you have a brain! omfg I would actually challenge her to a test but seriously I was not awake enough to deal with her crap. But this arrogant old lady completely soiled on my day. I hope I ruined her day. I just couldn't not. If I weren't in uniform, I probably would've yelled at her. What right does she have over me or any other student. If you're on public transport what do you expect!
And then I'm biology, I get told off when I'm listening. So the hatred towards this teacher which has been building up since 2011, I just couldn't take anymore! So I swapped classes and I had to swap chemistry class now :( But now I have a triple free period on Wednesday morning. yay!
exams in like 3 days. 4 unit maths is the first one, I think I'll be okay. also if I get 100% I have a bet in which I am allowed to slap helen. hehe
Friday, 23 November 2012 @ 05:28 / 0 comments
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