Work Experience.
First Day at the vet, I cleaned out cages, washed like 50 bajillion litter trays and bowls, feed the cats and dogs and I watched surgery where a dog named Happy was castrated. :'( Also, the kittens there are so cuteeee especially this little ginger one but i dont know if i can take pictures of it. hmm... IT KEPT ON HIGH FIVING MEE :DDDDDDD and there was also this scary looking old one and a really really really fat one!!
But anyway, when I was watching the de-sexing, after a while I felt really faint and dizzy so I went outside and sat in the hallway where I blacked out (yeah like sara did helen, suzie, erika, helena. i know you read this). Blacking out is weird. I'm not sure but its like being drunk and blind. hehe. And I kept thinking of this:
from Helena's blog.
Monday, 14 November 2011 @ 01:28 / 1 comments
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