The end just marks a new beginning
Holy crap! Um... did we just graduate. I honestly cannot believe how fast the past 13 years have just flown by. The last six years have been spent with the most amazing, supportive, intelligent and beautiful people.My junior years were obviously spent messing around and playing jokes on people mainly with Quinn my partner in crime. I recall our massive 7R sitting on the Lowers in a massive circle almost dominating the entire space. How we used to run around playing Sardines and that Amanda and Aidan didn't let me go to the boy's canteen by myself in fear of being kidnapped. Our junior eagerness where we would get a 7:00 train to be sure to get to school super early to talk to our friends but gee haven't things changed! How we had the energy to go to the city during the holidays and watch movies all the time.
But the last two years spent with my super unsocial group who lamely congregates in the computer room every lunchtime despite my whinging to go outside because of my vitamin d deficiency. But nonetheless, every member of my group has made high school so amazing due to all your individual quirks and personalities. Everyone has successfully made this past week as memorable as it could possibly be and all the good and bad memories will be equally remembered. And so, like Suzie I will do the super cheesy thing where I acknowledge people but not just people from the group but also people who have made the past six years great!
Helena: My aquaintance, my pal, my friend for the last 13 years. I don't know what I would ever do without you. But I also never want to find out but I know that I will never get rid of you and you will never be free from me. Getting the train with you in the mornings have been a delight even though we both end up sleep standing. I hope that you get better at Jetpack Joyride or maybe one day you'll finish Super Mario. Also, I'm really sad that you beat me in restaurant city and now that the game has been deleted I can never beat you.
Michelle: Where do I begin? Although I knew you from year 8 japanese, we were never close. But this past year, we have grown so much closer. Mainly because we share so many frees and a love for congee. Also, I love talking to you about your future and teasing you about Danny. But it's all in good fun and I genuinely do wish the best for you and Danny. Remember that game that we invented a few weeks ago during our free and you won? Yeah, well I want a rematch. I will beat you! Anyway, I know we'll see each other soon so this is not a goodbye but a see you later!
Quinn: You and I don't talk much anymore but when we do it's honestly so much fun. Having known each other from Day 1 of this high school journey, sharing a camp cabin in year 7, I can honestly say being friends with you has been the most amazing journey and we have had so much fun over the past 6 years. But with you, I will always remember all the no good that we got up to in class whether it be putting crocodile clips in people's hair, singing in food tech or whatever, it has been a blast. Also, I reckon we still have the same food tastes. Remember when we used to sit outside the music rooms and ponder about what foods we both didn't like and eventually settled on Mr Makar?
Helen: Ayy Pirate Girl, we been friends for a good six years. Been in the same class at least once EVERY year. Boy did you go through a lot of hairstyles and phases in the past six years. But it doesn't matter because you've always been a great friend who I can joke around with. However, one thing I didn't like was that every camp you got a little sad around me because I reminded you of your sister and you always missed her. Oh and I'm still sorry about that time I attack hugged you and made you spill hot chocolate everywhere.
Serena: Up until we got chucked together in year 11, we barely knew each other so I'm surprised a picture of us exists. But you have been there for me so much in the past two years. We stay up as I freak out over existential things, you introduced me to Youtube vloggers, you have been such a huge past of the best two years of high school. We will forever be maths buddies and we shall be friends long after high school. It's been tough putting up with you but I have no doubt its been terrible putting up with me. I love how we exchange terrible internet jokes and also never seem to fail at making each other laugh.
Erika: You know how I know we're great buds? You have an 'intolerance' to tomatoes and I love tomatoes. I will always be there for you to eat your tomatoes if they ever pop up in your food. I don't remember when I first talked to you but it was back when you wore the huge nerd glasses with Amy and you were such a happy character I just knew we would be great friends. What happened? Now you just play Sims all the time and sneakily sleep in biology. Anyway, you are such a great friend who is always there to help out and friend and you are so so mature (even though you're younger than me). And that just reminded me of the time we went bowling and the lady didn't believe you were under 16.
Joanna: I've known you for less than 2 years but it feels like I've known you for forever. Although I was initially hesitant to sit with you because I didn't know you but you were Sez's friend and I wasn't about to say no. Every Saturday I get worried that you won't turn up but you always do and right on time. Anyway, Dr Poo is a total bore but you make it a little less painful to sit through. Thanks to listening to all my stupid stories which always end with Dr Poo going "Eva, stop talking." Although we don't share many mutual friends, I seriously hope that we stay in touch and stay friends long after this year.
Anna: BanAnna, you are number one and I will always have your back as you can see above. As I am being brutally honest here, I really do think your jokes are terrible. However, I think those jokes are the best kind. Although I don't like to show it when I'm sad, you unknowingly manage to cheer me up. Those three terms of economics where you put up with my crap; sleeping on you, drawing on you and your stuff and copying your paragraphs because I'm so bad when it comes to dictation shows how awesome of a person you are (also very tolerant). Anyway, I'm pretty sure that I can always count on you and I do hope that we can meet up in Guangzhou and chill together whether it be today, tomorrow or way in the future.
Lydia: Although I know you from Fiona Education from way before high school, we were never really close since before the last few years. I remember you as the girl I saw one time at my ortho and then waved to during sport that same day. Anyway, you're such a picky eater (no fish, no shallots, no onion) but when you do eat, you eat quite a bit. Remember that time Helen, you and I went and had KBbq at Chatswood before I had basketball? Remember in year 10 science when you were so hungry that you ate with a ruler? I have pictures and I am so tempted to post them. But for your sake I won't do it. Finally, do you remember that time our Du Crew gathered and you ate fish cake? I was so proud of you! Anyway, I know you're a lazy poo but I hope that doesn't stop us from meeting up in the future.
Suzie: We met in Japanese in year 8 where we would consistently be doing absolutely no work and tests were done with the help of Michelle and sometimes Isabella. But how things have changed because you are one smart cookie and your terrible jokes (which are probably all off the internet) never fail to make me question your maturity especially when you make poo or your mum jokes. Anyway, you made me go to coogee when we did rehearsals for drama day and its an alright beach. But still, I hate bluebottles with a passion.
n junior years and when you left I thought I'd lost my chance. But then you were one day as was doing my morning breakfast shopping from the canteen I saw you wandering the school. Double take, IT WAS YOU and brilliantly enough, you were placed in my english class. Although you spend all your time looking at the weirdest celebrity stuff or sleeping, we will forever be english buddies who make fun of Mr Mikkarl. Anyway I think that we have amazing art skills as proven by our constant drawings whether it be on each other's arms, legs sheets or Mr Michael's card.
Christine: Do you remember when we used to get the train together early in the mornings for choir? How we would sometimes go to cookie man or to gloria jeans? How at the bus stop you would never want to go to school. Well, school's over and I can't believe how fast it's been. We used to complain that we were never and will never be in the same class but we both swapped our chemistry classes and by chance we ended up together. FINALLY! Anyway, you are one of the most artistic and out-there people I know and you are totally weird but never change.
Tina: I've know you from Mr Ye back in like year 5 right? Back then, I was super quiet and kept to myself whereas I think you were way more outspoken and fun-loving. Oh how the tables have turned. You will forever be that girl who wouldn't stop singing in maths but you weren't half bad either. Your intense love fore red things (bag, phone, folder, other things) was super c001 and I found out your favourite colour was red or wasn't.... Anyway, even though you put up an antisocial front (like April Ludgate) I know you're still a softie and you don't actually mind human contact!
Helen: You are my awesome friend who can tolerate mind boggling amounts of chilli. You vowed to train me once but that never happened. I remember that time you and Quinn came over to my place to make cookies but it didn't work so Quinn and I went to buy milk. But when we came back, you had magically got the dough to work. Then Quinn and I annoyed you by sticking flowers into the dough. Your dedication to things you do really amazes me, you make amazing Justin Bieber signs, incredible Adventure time costume, delicious plush cake slices and you really stick by your beloved kpop stars despite all the crap we gave you. One day, we will get the M41 to each other's houses and do everything that didn't get done in our six years. Also, I can meet Sam.
Juliana: When our group first met you and Clare was going crazy over you, I was like 'really clare? you can't be her friend just because she's korean.' Anyway, I am so glad that you have become a part of our group. You are such an artistic person with all your typography and drawings, can I be as talented as you? Also, you seem to have a knack at finding all the best places to eat at but I think Michelle and I really got you with the congee from Superbowl. Hopefully, in the future we will go out and eat congee together after uni together.
Clare: You were a butt and you're still a butt. Disagree? Fight me. Anyway our friendship was founded on my clumsiness where I got a massive cut on my leg which was bandaged and I lost the pin. Asking everyone, you were the only one who 'owned' one but I still haven't received it. Anyway, even though you're a massive poo at times, you are also such a massive softie who is super protective of her friends (even though you hate certain people for stupid reasons and can be particularly mean about people you dislike). Also, I can't believe our parents know each other which means if they ever have a reunion, its an extra time I'll get to see you and fight. Jokes, to reminisce.
Chloe: Look at how emo you are and were. Nothing's changed. You and I don't talk much but we're still great buddies right? I remember how you, Sara and Jessica used to talk so much in year 8 and how Makar kept calling you Chu-lor way after it got old. I won't forget how violent you were in economics or how much you used to sleep in class. I don't know how you function with like 3/4 hours of sleep and yet you still manage to do so well. Anyway, expect a call from me if I ever go to Japan because I'll be needing you.
Joanna: Starting high school is always a scary experience but you were my first friend. Remember it used to be me, you and Katrina but then Katrina parted and we separated. Doesn't matter though because we will always be friends. I have you you grow from a slight tomboy (I think, not really sure) to a super awesome fashuneesta. Anyway, I love that you're always so willing to help out a friend and your need for perfection as shown in your year 7 science book which was so neat! And your writing was so perfect and looked like it was typed!
errr im tired now because its 2am. so ill finish this later.
Friday, 20 September 2013 @ 09:11 / 0 comments
Yesterday was Tunic Day which meant that it was time to step back in time (not really) and re-enter our daggy potato sacks. Also, how fortunate that tunic day was also one of the hotter days of the week (29 degrees celsius) and so we were suffocating under two layers. How did I go through three years of suffering in those things! Anyway, how cute are we? And isn't it weird because I think I still look like a junior? Wednesday, 11 September 2013 @ 02:12 / 0 comments
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